Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON? Teachers who are trying to educate YOUR kids or the government who doesn't give a rat's a** about them/teachers/you?

WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON? Teachers who are trying to educate YOUR kids or the government who doesn't give a rat's a** about them/teachers/you?

Posted - April 30, 2018


  • 10493
    I'm for teachers. 
    Teaching is a hard and thankless job.  The hours suck (not a "9-5" job).  They're forced to work on their own time - unpaid.  Their pay is lousy (they do 20x more work than most (if not all) government bureaucrats... and yet make less than an tenth of the pay).  Many parents expect teachers to  not only babysit their kids but to raise them for them as well... and then get pissy at them!
      April 30, 2018 4:41 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Teachers often use their own money to buy needed supplies for their students. It disgusts me when I read parents bemoan the state of public education and attack the teachers. The incredibly stupid dumb and ignorant Betsy de Vos, Billionaire head of the Department of Education has gone out of her way to kill public education. She is an advocate of vouchers that allow parents to send their kids to private schools. Did she ever attend a public school? Are you kidding me? The answer is no she never did. She is intellectually vapid but who needs smarts in an Education Secretary? It would be ironic if it were a piece of fiction...a movie, novel, TV show. But no. It is our reality. Shame on those who support her. Shame on a john of don for appointing her. There is enough shame to go around and of course our kids are the ones who suffer for it. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Tuesday!  :)
      May 1, 2018 3:48 AM MDT

  • 10493
    If someone had a brain tumor that need removed, would they go to a plumber?  Why not?  Because a plumber don't have the knowledge to dobrainsurgery.  So why would one hire someone who has no knowledge of the education system to run the department of education?  
    Usually when one is hired, they go through an extensive job interview to see if they are qualified for the position.  So how'd Ms. de Vos pass the interview?  It was because of her political party and her (and her husband's) wealth - NOT her qualifications.  When Trump "hires", he doesn't see experience, he sees dollar $igns.  And the bigger the $$ the more qualified that person is for a job.
    Having rich parents, you can be sure she did NOT attend public school (it's beneath the wealthy to allow themselves or their children to consort with peasants).  In fact, she was tutored at private schools.
      May 1, 2018 9:35 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Well to the degree john of don is unsuited to be prez it is to that same degree he has selected unsuitable government employees. I'm gonna ask why? Thank you for your thoughtful reply Shuhak! This post was edited by RosieG at May 2, 2018 3:21 AM MDT
      May 1, 2018 2:04 PM MDT

  • 7777
    The teachers of course and if there are any teachers out there, you deserve double.
      April 30, 2018 4:44 PM MDT

  • 113301
    ((hugs)) Ditto m'dear. They spend their own money to buy supplies for their students because  the Education  Secretary Betsy de Vos HATES public school and is on a crusade to kill all of it and substitute it with vouchers for folks to use at PRIVATE schools. A billionaire witchy bit**y inexperienced disinterested inept incompetent fool is in charge of education. It would be hilarious if it were so NOT so devastatingly serious. Thank you for your reply Zack and Happy Tuesday! :) This post was edited by RosieG at May 3, 2018 3:10 AM MDT
      May 1, 2018 3:44 AM MDT

  • I'm not taking a side. I will say that my patience with those in the profession has worn thin. During the time I spent as a teacher, I was in sympathy for them as they really had to put up with a lot. The system became more restrictive as to the amount of authority one used in the classroom to remain in control. Where there is no control, there is no learning by anyone. My own feelings shifted when we started to see teachers wanting more and more time away from the classroom and getting it( from their union). Couple that with being evasive about qualifications and resume and refusal to be examined themselves concerning, skill and abilities. Sorry, but everybody isn't teacher material, no more than everybody is qualified to be a doctor or lawyer. And while I strongly disagree with your shortsighted HATRED of Betty de Vos, people have to go to those places where children have a chance to get a least some modicum of education. That will never take place in the lost cause we call public education. A real shame too, as teachers and the schools they served were at one time one of the finest resources we had. I know because I was brought up in public education myself  and it qualified me for the college experience  that I had.  There's no place in the system for the truly gifted and dedicated among us.(Teachers or students) It's time to admit that very little in the public system is worth salvaging. It's just one more thing that has been screwed royally by the Federal ineptness we live under. Now, are you actually concerned by what you perceive as inexperienced, disinterested, inept incompetent foolishness, or is it the realization that the Liberal Agenda coupled with social engineering enforced by Washington, is being somehow disrupted or even eliminated?
      May 1, 2018 10:20 AM MDT